Brandi's Guide to Second Life
Getting lewd in here.

Project Arousal

So, what features does Project Arousal bring to your Second Life? Here is the rundown.

The core Project Arousal system gives you the following;

First, let's take a look at what comes in the box.

PA Contents

I've highlighted the important items. These are the attachments. Notice that there are three different Lower Body attachments. You only wear ONE. There's one made specifically for the Kemono body. One for Utilizator's "Avatar 2.0" body. And finally a general lower body attachment that you'll wear if using any other body.

The perfect way to SEE your avatar's arousal level.

So now you're wearing the attachments, what else? First head over to the Marketplace and pick up Ecchi's "Steamy Arousal Hearts", a PA add on that adds lewd steam and heart particles that appear as your avatar becomes arouse, and becomes more intense the higher your arousal gets.

Just take a look! This elf is all hot and bothered after she was cornered and molested by this VERY friendly goblin. The animation is actually standard with Project Arousal. So even without the hearts add-on you will see your avatar change as they become more aroused.

To save the additional attachment slot the hearts add-on uses, simply link it to another attachment! Something you always wear even when naked, like the Project Arousal System attachment itself.

You're almost done! All that remains is to go to the Marketplace one more time and get the free "Project Monster" plug-in. This will give you a whole bunch of RLV folders. It takes a few minutes but it's totally worth it because now when you enter any place that has "Project Monster" set up, the creatures there can chase you down and grab you for even more hentai fun. "Project Monster" creatures range from tentacles and slimes, to ghostly hands that will molest you and even carry you around if too many catch you at once.

Project Monster is all sorts of lewd fun.

And that covers the core system. You could stop there, but if you go on to the next part, Project Clothing, you'll be able to set up your avatar so that others will be able to steal or destroy your clothes, leaving you helplessly naked. Sounds like fun? Then keep going!

Project Clothing 3 Project Sex 2
Project Clothing makes it possible for others to strip your avatar. Have sex any time, anywhere.
How to create your anime avatar. Adding arousal interactions to your avatar.
how maek babby BARE combat. Someone is going to wind up naked.
All the cool spots.