Brandi's Guide to Second Life
Making your avatar lewd.

How to turn Second Life into a hentai game MMO!

Koooonsoft is known for it's sidescrolling hentai action games. Koooonsoft is known for it's sidescrolling hentai action games. Goblin Burrow trades in an ''arousal meter'' for a 'debauched meter'.

If you're a pervert like me, you've probably played a hentai game. While hentai games come in all types, from sidescrolling beat-em-ups to tactical RPGs and text adventures, the basics of most are simple. Characters, either NPCs or you, the protagonist, have an arousal meter. That meter goes up with a variety of actions, such as being molested, undressed, or exposed to items which cause arousal to go up. Is it surprising that someone would try to recreate those mechanics for Second Life?

Enter, Project Arousal.

Project Arousal is, unfortunately, not a single purchase. There are a whole host of additional plug-ins you can get that add a variety of features. Individually they're not too expensive, but the costs add up making this easily the most costly part of putting together your hentai avatar.

Because PA is such a daunting amount of extra features I am not going to try and cover all of it all at once. Instead, this guide will get updates. This is version 1.0 of this guide, so we'll just cover the basics you need to get going. And those basics are;

I'm also going to cover one of the Core System's free plugins that you will need. ''Project Monster''. But right now we need to start with the Core System itself. The images below will take you to each section of the PA guide. Start with "Project Arousal 2" as it is the core system that you will need to have set up before doing anything else.

Project Arousal 2 Project Clothing 3 Project Sex 2
The Project Arousal core system. START HERE! Project Clothing makes it possible for others to strip your avatar. Have sex any time, anywhere.
+Project Monster
+Steamy Love Hearts

Be sure to check back on this page for updates. Eventually I'd like to cover all of the Project Arousal expansions and plug-ins.

In the meantime, now that you have your avatar and your Project Arousal
features working, Congratulations! The hard parts are over!
Impregnation is the next step in this guide.

Creating your anime avatar. All the cool spots.
how maek babby BARE combat. Someone is going to wind up naked.