How to turn Second Life into a hentai game MMO!
This will basically be an all-purpose anime style card, sharing as many options as I can cover in terms of heads, clothes, skins, and bodies.
The good news is, if you already have an established Second Life avatar, you won't need to do much to turn it into an anime type look. Mostly just an anime head and a few shape adjustments are all you really need if you're on a budget.
All I did to turn my normal avatar into the anime witch on the left was swap the head, get some anime style hair and glasses, and adjusted my head size and shoulder width. But let's get into a bit more detail than that.
Quick Start
First, I imagine some of you are impatient to just dive right in and get to the sex, so here is one option for a complete anime avatar you can get right now.
Utilizator is the most popular anime avatar creator. This set includes everything you see. At the time of this writing, the head included with this set is the newest and most feature rich anime head Utilizator has released. The kemono body isn't as well supported now as it once was, but there's an entire back catalogue of clothing and mods for it, so you won't be hurting for options. Just a heads up, the default kemono chest is small, so if you want big boobs you'll need to grab a chest mod.
This is presently the cheapest way to get a complete anime avatar. 980L is like, $4 USD.
Getting Head
Alright, so you don't need or want the Kemono body. In that case the main item you need to fit into the anime sims will be an anime head, and there are a lot of options for that. Rather than listing each and every head that is available, I'm just going to break it down by creator.
Again, starting with Utilizator. They sell a truckload of different style anime heads for women, and one for men. There's chibi style heads, serious style heads, and a number of kemono style heads as well. A lot of people use the Venus and AnnieMay style heads for men as well. I think Venus only works if you're going for bishojo, and AnnieMay gives off a younger appearance. Think MegaMan.
The Mars head is great for guys though, just be sure to pair it up with a nice skin. Search "mars skin" in the marketplace and you'll find a decent amount of good options.
ASR heads aren't as popular as Utilizator, but there are people who swear by them. I don't think the marketing images really do them justice. They look better in person. Because they're not as common as Utilizator heads, they make a great choice if you want to stand out from the crowd and be more unique.
ASR also sells their own body but I don't think I've ever seen one in the wild. The clothing options are more limited because there's not as many people creating clothes for it. I didn't include their head/body set as a "Quick Start" option because it doesn't come with clothes.
There are other anime heads out there, but most of them are not rigged so the facial expressions are kinda janky. I'd recommend sticking with ASR and Utilizator.
Getting Bodied (Plus Shape Help)
There are anime bodies out there. Good ones! Kemono isn't as popular as it used to be, but it's still fairly common. Kuroo never made much of a splash but it's solid, if a bit lacking in the clothing support. But I'm going to level with you, you don't need a body specifcally made to be "anime". Any of the more popular "normie" bodies like Belleza or Ebody will work just fine. It will mostly be your anime head, and how you dress/accessorize. At the end of the day, any good shape is going to look good.
You hear that, boys? Everything I said about shapes in my guide to men's avatars still applies here. Possibly even moreso, because anime characters tend to have more variety in body types than "super hero". Reign in those crazy tall avatars. Ditch those photo sourced muscle skins.
Dress for Success
Basically, just avoid clothing that "looks too realistic". Yanno? Some clothes just look more "anime".
I mean, look at my anime avatar at the top of this page. It's literally just my normal clothes, Ebody Reborn, plus an anime head and hair. Now, there are plenty of clothes in my wardrobe I wouldn't wear with my anime look. Mostly stuff with a lot of "texture" to it. The stuff that feels more "gritty" and "real".
And when looking for hair, think "anime hair". We all know the trope. Big, spikey hair is the flavour of the day. Personally I'd recommend the "blockier" style anime hair like Utilizator and Project Hair sells. It just looks more "anime" to me than the more realistic style hair.
And just like I pointed out in my normie guide to men's avatars, you can find free mesh bodies and animation overriders in your own Library directory right now. So there's no excuse not to have either of those avatar essentials.
And these aren't your only options. There's so many non-human avatars you can get that fit perfectly in anime sims.
Is all of this sounding too vanilla for your perverted tastes? Feeling a bit more beastly? Maybe try out the MOR Hellhund avatar. It's both one of the better canine avatars in Second Life, AND it's actually pretty inexpensive compared to most others. I linked to the marketplace fatpack here, but I think you can still buy the individual versions for like L$200 at Murder of Ravens inworld shop.
And there's so much else you could do with your avatar. You could be an undead lich overlord, a dragon, an orc, a minotaur. There are so many options. And there's no shortage of fellow perverts out there, so there are plenty of animation furniture for even the non-humanoid avatars. Just make sure you're looking for options that wouldn't look out of place alongside anime avatars, in terms of aesthetic style. Some people don't mind, or can't see, the clash in styles. But other people can be really put off by it. I might expand this page with more good options for anime sims later, so check back.
That about covers creating an anime avatar. If you're following these guides in order, then Project Arousal is next.