Brandi's Guide to Second Life

Guys, we need to have "the talk".

You need to stop doing this.

Just because you have a mesh body, an oily, rippled muscles skin and an expensive mesh cock does not mean your avatar is attractive. You also need a good shape and most guys do not.

Ok, making a good shape is hard and not everyone is an artist. I get it. That said, you're not doing yourself any favors by cranking up the height and shoulder width sliders. To make things easy, I will literally give you some good shapes to start with.

Download these XML files and follow the directions in the notecard. Basically, Firestorm lets you import shape data. These files are only the body information, so make a copy of your current shape and wear the copy when you import the XML. You'll get a brand new, proportionate, shape and still keep your old face!

You'll probably want to customize your shape a little, go for it! But maybe read up on how proportions work, first. Here's a fantastic guide for you to learn all you'll need to know.

You'll probably notice right away that these shapes are shorter than what you're used to. Maybe you've also noticed that in your old shape all the women in SL are like half your height. That's because women care about how they look so we don't stretch our avatars out to be as tall as possible. Most of these shapes will still make you taller than the women around you, just it will be by a few inches rather than a few feet. Just like in real life. And if you're worried about people calling you "short" just remember that most of us women are constantly laughing at you guys and the tiny dicks you must all have to make your avatars into such giants. So, who are you trying to impress? Us women, or the other men?

why these proportions suck

In case you think your goomba shape is beautiful just the way it is, here's what it looks like next to real humans. I've scaled the avatar up so its head is as large as the people shown because, unless you're Andre the Giant, most adult's heads are pretty similar in size.

why these proportions suck

And here's what it looks like at "normal size" since so many guys insist their height is "normal". This is what you look like. If you saw that walking down the street you wouldn't think, "Damn, that guy must be drowning in pussy!". No, you'd feel ashamed of staring at someone with an obvious deformity. So, please, guys, use the shapes I've given you, or learn how to make your own proper proportions!

Mmmm, beef.

Here's that exact same avatar but using a GOOD shape. See the difference? See how much better that looks?

Once your avatar has good, human proportions, get creative with your avatar! I like a good muscle man now and then, too, but Jesus, it's practically all you guys in SL do, so buck the trend if you want to stand out. Get some body hair, put on some weight, do more than just turn your hair white to look "old". Have some personality! Granted, not every girl is into werewolves, aliens, and old men, but most of us want our guys to be at least a little interesting.

And, very important, have an avatar that fits the theme of the sims you're trying to pick up women in. The marketplace is full of bodies, heads, skins etc for older and fatter avatars. There's all kinds of alien creature and monster avatars. If you want to hang out in a themed sim to pick up ladies and you're unsure how to make your avatar fit in, join the group (most places have their own group) and ASK. There's always people willing to help.

Here's a great old man head for your old man avatars!old man head

The "Piggu Johnathan" body is great for overweight avatars!Piggu avatar

The "Anatomy" body is perfect for dad bods!Anatomy avatar

The link I posted with the XML files includes shapes specifically for the Piggu and Anatomy bodies, as well as a much better shape for the Aesthetic body if you do want to stick with the typical muscle man look.

So you have a good shape, finally. What else do you need to make women want your virtual cock?

A mesh body is a must these days, but the good news is now you can get one without spending a single linden dollar. If you've joined Second Life in August 2023 or later, you're probably already using this mesh body. Otherwise, open up your inventory and go down to the "Library" folder. Inside that scroll all the way down until you find a folder named "Senra".

Look here!

Inside are the brand new mesh starter avatars. That's a free mesh head and mesh body, both full perm and already set up to use BOM! The quality of these new mesh bodies aren't great, but they'd way better than sticking with the ugly old system avatar. And it even comes with its own Animation Overrider, so you have absolutely no excuse to wobble around awkwardly with the default animations.

Ok, so now that you've sorted out your avatar, you've got a huge advantage over most guys in Second Life. But, looks aren't everything. If you haven't already read it, click the link below for a guide on how to be more successful at picking up women in SL.

How to pick up women in Second Life